Tagged: Saint Gabriel

What I said last Sunday – Saint Michael


Saint Michael overcoming Satan – sculpture by Jacob Epstein at Coventry Cathedral

In the Church of England we were keeping the feast of Saint Michael and All Angels. I decided to tell everyone who Saint Michael and the other six archangels are and what their roles are.

Revelation 12.7-12

Those of you who are into quizzes and quiz nights will know that every quiz – and especially pub quizzes – has to have a tie-breaker. And one particularly popular tie-breaker – at least I assume it is as I’ve come across it more than once, even though I don’t frequent pub quizzes – is one we had recently at one of our church functions. It was at our silent auction, and the tie-breaker for the quiz was ‘Name the actors who were the Magnificent Seven in the film of that name.’ The reason for it being a good tie-breaker is that most film buffs can get five or six names, but then most get stuck on the last one who has often been known as ‘that other one whose name nobody can ever remember!’ Continue reading