Category: Miscellany

In Christ Alone

Stuart Townend sings the worship hymn In Christ Alone.

The priest I live with, Mother Anne-Marie, used this hymn as the basis of her Good Friday talks. You can read them here:

  1. In Christ alone my hope is found
  2. Scorned by the ones he came to save
  3. Light of the world by darkness slain
  4. He stands in victory
  5. Here in the power of Christ I stand
  6. Sermon at the Good Friday Liturgy

Saint Patrick’s Breastplate

This morning we sang, for the offertory hymn, Saint Patrick’s Breastplate. Partly this was because it was a suggested hymn for this Sunday from the Royal School of Church Music, but also because it’s probably my all-time my favourite hymn. Sadly, these days most hymn books omit two verses, one of which is my favourite verse. Today we sang the shorter version, but we shall sing the whole hymn on Trinity Sunday in procession. Here’s a recording of the shorter version that we sang today.

The hymn is a translation from the original by Mrs C F Alexander. She also wrote All things bright and beautiful which is one of my least favourite hymns, but she can be forgiven as she also gave us this masterpiece of hymnody.

Feast of the Unconquered Sun

To celebrate the shortest day of the year a song from Steeleye Span, one of my favourite bands.

For those interested in such things the winter solstice occurs at 11:12 London time on the 21st December. In Roman times the feast of the Unconquered Sun (Sol Invictus) was celebrated at this time. Rather fitting that we now celebrate the feast of the Unconquered Son just a few days after, and the triumph of God’s light over the darkness of this world.